How to Get More Followers on Instagram (Practical Proven Tips)

May 21, 2021
How to Get More Followers on Instagram

Before saying anything, look at my Instagram account😛

instagram screenshot

No, no, no, look again. This time, zoom in, again, and again. Ok, that’s enough. See the follower count? 

That’s 54.9k FOLLOWERS.

I didn’t show you that to dig you or anything. I just needed to show you that this isn’t one of those crappy posts written by a guy who doesn’t even have 1k followers. I’ve grown my account, as well as those of several of my clients. Now, I want to help you grow your account too.

In this post, you’re going to learn 10 tips to get Instagram followers fast. I call the first 7 the SMOKING HOT tips.

“Why smoking hot?” you may wonder.

‘Cus they’re fresh out of the oven. You guys are the first I’m sharing them with.

How many followers can you get with the Smoking Hot Tips?

Honestly, it depends on you. But if I was an A student in math, I’d say:

Each tip has the potential to bring at least 10 new followers per day. If you use all 7, that’s 70 followers per day. If you’re not too lazy to grind the Instagram app every day for one month, that’s approximately 2,100 new followers.

In a year, you’re knocking on the doors of 25k+ followers.

Amazing, right? Even Kylie Jenner would be proud of that. 

Tips to Get New Instagram Followers


    1. Build a catchy profile and create an editorial calendar using data from competitors’ profiles.
    2. Interact with people engaging with your competitors.
    3. Use @Bosslist to find generic followers.
    4. Use the RECENT tab to find followers.
    5. Pitch pages with a similar audience size to yours.
    6. Use the right hashtags (but get them from the site).
    7. Advertise your top posts.

    8. The Extras

    9. Use Instagram Reels.
    10. Work with micro-influencers.
    11. Create authentic, screenshot-worthy content.

1) Build a Catchy Profile and Create an Editorial Calendar

My first smoking hot tip will not bring you ANY followers. 

(I can imagine the expression on your face right now.)

However, it is important because the other tips depend on it. 

“How is that so?” a curious reader might ask.

All the other tips on the Smoking Hot list expose you to a great deal of audience. But whether or not these people choose to follow you depends on what they find on your account.

This is why it’s important to learn how to build a catchy profile and editorial calendar first, before shooting for followers.

So, how can you create a catchy profile?

  • Choose a fascinating profile picture – something that a first-time page visitor will fall in love with immediately.

See an example:

profile picture instagram

In the example above, that guy is a muscle builder. And looking at his profile picture, you can tell he is.

  • Choose an attention-grabbing profile name – something that catches people’s attention and also tells who you are and what you do.

See an example:

instagram profile with profile name

  • Write a captivating bio – don’t expect people to know what you do; let your bio tell them.

Again, see our previous example:

instagram profile with content bio

In exactly 7 words, this guy tells us what he does – “I Help Skinny Guys Build Muscle Fast!”

I remember following him immediately when I read that bio (‘cus I’m quite skinny, to be honest )

Besides a catchy profile, you also need an editorial calendar.

Once your profile lures people in, it’s the content they find inside that determines whether they follow you or not.  So, you want to ensure you’re serving the best. This is where the editorial calendar comes in.

Note: An editorial calendar is simply a WRITTEN PLAN of the kinds of content you want to be posting on your page.

How to create a high-converting editorial calendar

    1. Identify and select 10 top-performing Instagram profiles in your niche.
    2. Top-performing refers to profiles with large followings and high engagement. 

      To find these accounts, go to the Instagram search bar and search for your niche, e.g., “fashion.” Afterward, click on the “Accounts” tab. This will show you the top accounts in your niche, with the highest number of followers.

    3. Pull out all of the best content themes you find on these pages.
    4. Either copy the videos or describe them textually in a note.
    5. Use this knowledge to create your own editorial calendar.

    Finally, you must ensure you have at least 9 content posts on your page before you start luring people in.

2) Interact with People Engaging with Your Competitors

Now that your page is Smoking Hot, let’s start getting Instagram followers.

First, you want to go back to the list of those 10 top-performing accounts you visited earlier.

Your competitors, to be precise.

Once you’re in each account, you want to follow people who are commenting on and liking their posts. The reason is that these people are likely to be interested in your type of content.

How to implement this tip

  1. Open the account of competitor #1 and go to their most recent post.
  2. Click on the comment feed to see people who have commented on the post. Or check out the “others” in the “Liked by XYZ and others” feed to see those who have liked the post.
  3. Scroll on the side of the page as shown below, and follow up to 5 persons MAX.
  4. how to follow on instagram

  5. Go to competitor #2, and repeat steps 1-3 (following 5 max).
  6. Repeat for the next 8 competitors.
  7. Ensure you complete all of these within one hour and don’t follow more than 30 people total in that hour. ( I’ll explain why soon. )
  8. Use the next 1-2 hours simply scouring IG and having fun. DON’T FOLLOW ANYONE!
  9. Come back and repeat steps 1-6 for another 30 followers.
  10. Repeat steps 1 through 8 until you’ve followed between 200-300 followers in one day.
  11. Stop for the day.
  12. Followers should start flocking in now.
  13. Come back after 1-2 days to unfollow anyone that didn’t follow you back from this list.

Why shouldn’t you follow more than 30-40 persons per hour and 200-300 persons per day?

Because Instagram has a limit on the number of people you can follow per hour and per day.

30-40 is the maximum hourly limit, and 200-300 is the maximum daily limit. Anything above that will make you come off as a robot in the eyes of the Instagram algorithm, and they may flag you for that.

Can I use this tip every day?

Yes, you can – provided you aren’t following and unfollowing more than 200-300 persons per day.

đŸ”„Actionable hack:

To make this tip work like magic, use this hack.

After following the people interacting with your competitors, enter their accounts to like and comment on their comments, likes, posts, stories, etc.

How does this make a difference?

Think about it. Imagine you log in to your Instagram one morning and get a follow request from someone you barely know. Then you scroll through your notification page to see that the same person has liked, shared, and commented on a dozen of your posts.

What would you do next?

You’ll most likely check the account out. And if you find it fascinating, you’ll definitely follow the person.

3) Use @Bosslist to Find Generic Followers

@Bosslist is a page that features the crĂšme de la crĂšme of Instagram. There, you’ll find influencers, brands, celebrities, politicians, and other notable figures. So, what you wanna do is follow as many of the notable figures on this list as possible. I expect you to ask: How do following influencers and popular accounts help me gain followers? Logically speaking, following a celebrity when you’re looking for followers is a waste of time because they won’t follow you back. But the idea here is this: Since these people have so many followers, many users are constantly checking their accounts to see the people following them. After checking, most users follow the first few people they find at the top of the celebrity’s list, in the hopes that they can get a follow back. In other words, by following popular figures, you expose your account to people who may be searching for followers like you. Strange as you may find this “trick,” it works, and you can give it a try by following the step-by-step guide below. How to implement this tip
  1. Log in to your Instagram and search for @Bosslist.
  2. Be careful when doing this search, as there are many lookalike Bosslist accounts out there. What you’re looking for is BOSSLIST (Note: no underscore!) 1.	Log in to your Instagram and search for @Bosslist
  3. Follow the account.Follow the account
  4. Then, go into the following list to see some of the biggest Instagram accounts. go into the following list to see some of the biggest Instagram accounts.
  5. Follow the verified accounts in that list one by one. But don’t follow more than 30.
  6. “Why can’t I follow more than 30?” Hmmm, looks like someone hasn’t been paying attention. Go back to Smoking Tip #2 to find out why.follow instagram
  7. Now, wait for about one hour and then come back to unfollow all the accounts you’ve just followed.
  8. You should start seeing some new followers rolling into your account by now.
  9. Repeat the entire procedure every 3-4 hours but don’t do it more than two times daily.

4) Use the RECENT tab to Find Followers

Did you know you can also get followers on Instagram by asking politely? You bet you can. And that’s what this tip is all about. How to find followers using the RECENT tab
  1. Go to the search bar and type in your niche, e.g., gaming, dogs, finance, cryptocurrency, weight loss, etc.
  2. You should see four tabs in the search bar: “Top”, “Accounts”, “Tags”, and “Places”. Click on the “Tags” tab.
  3. In my example, I searched for the popular dog breed “Goldendoodle.”searched for the popular dog breed “Goldendoodle on instagram
  4. Next, choose one of the hashtags and open its page.
  5. You’re free to choose any one that appeals to you. ( It’s a democracy, remember. )
  6. Once that page opens, you’ll see two tabs – “Top” and “Recent”. Click on the RECENT tab to reveal all the recent posts that have used that hashtag.
    puppy search on instagram
  7. Scroll through the RECENT page until you find a post you like.
  8. (Again, it’s a democracy, so feel free to choose anyone.)
  9. Click the post, like the post, and follow the post owner.
  10. Then comment on the post saying something like:
  11. “Hey, what a blast you’ve got going on here. I really like your content. I post similar stuff on my account too, feel free to check it out and follow me if you like my content.”
    shoutout on instagram
  12. Repeat the procedure from Steps 1 through 7 to find about 10-20 posts daily.
If all of them give a positive response, that’s roughly 20 new followers every day.

5) Pitch Pages with Similar Audience Sizes to Yours

This tip is all about some good ol’ Quid Pro Quo – i.e., a something for something kind of vibe.
no quid pro quo meme (donald trump meme) Basically, it involves getting shoutouts from people with similar account sizes to yours, so as to expose your profile to their audience. In return, you give said people a shoutout to expose their profiles to your audience. How to implement this tip
  1. Go to the search bar and click on the Account tab.
    search account on instagram
  2. Then enter your niche, e.g., sports, tech, gadgets, etc.
  3. Go through the list of displayed accounts and find pages with a similar audience size to yours.
  4. “Similar audience size” means that if you have 1k followers, you’re looking for pages with around 500-2k followers. If you have 5k followers, you want to look at accounts with 4k-7k followers, etc.
  5. Once you find someone, like and comment on their posts, and then follow them.
  6. Afterward, send them a DM saying:
  7. “ Hey, your Instagram feed is a bomb. I’m so in love with it. Specifically, I love that post on [describe one of their posts you like]. I have a similar page to yours where I post about [describe what your page is about]. I was wondering if you would be interested in giving us a shoutout in exchange for a shoutout from us. Since we target the same type of audience, it will benefit both of us.”
  8. If they give you a shoutout, you can expect to have many of their followers flocking to your page.
  9. Repeat this for about 10 pages every day.
Brace yourself: Finding accounts with similar sizes using the “Account” tab is usually a strenuous process. Often, you may have to click and open 20 accounts before you find one with similar audience size. An alternative tool people use is Ingramer.
  • Click on “User Search.”
  • Once you’re in, enter your niche/keyword (say, fashion) and the range of followers you’re targeting (1k to 5k). account image
  • Click on Search.
  • Ingramer will display all the Instagram accounts that fall in that range.
See for yourself:
different accounts on

6) Use the Right Hashtags

Hashtags are there to help you get found on Instagram. When used correctly, they have the potential to bring you likes, comments, shares, and followers. But since followers are what we’re after, I say we stick with using hashtags known to bring in followers. How to find the best hashtags that bring you Instagram followers
  1. Open your Safari or Google Chrome.
  2. Go to
  3. Scroll down the homepage till you see “Hashtags for Instagram.” Then click the “Hashtag generator” button below it.
  4. On the opening page, scroll down till you find “Top Hashtags,” then click on the “Try it” button. account
  5. Once the page opens, keep scrolling till you find “Follow hashtags.” account top try page
  6. Copy these hashtags and paste them as a caption on any of your soon-to-go-live posts.
  7. In no time at all, you’ll start getting notifications of followers from far and wide.

7) Advertise Your Top Posts

Finally, our last Smoking Hot tip. Remember at the beginning, when I said that you must have at least 9 posts on your page before applying any of the tips we’ve discussed? Well, if you followed that instruction, and with all you’ve done on your account since then, some of your posts should have gained engagement by now (likes, views, clicks, reach, comments, and shares). Now, take the best-performing ones and promote them. How can you know your best-performing post?
  1. Go to your profile.
  2. Tap the “Insights” action button.
  3. Tap the metrics under the “Overview” section or specific content you’ve shared for a more detailed breakdown.
To promote a post, go to your profile, where you have all your posts. There you’ll see a “Promote” button just below each post. Click it to promote that particular post. By doing this, Instagram will expose that post to people who don’t follow you but might be interested in that type of content. If your content is truly likable, you can get lots of followers through this means.

Extra tips to get Instagram followers

8) Use Instagram Reels

Reels are the TikTok videos of the Instagram realm.  When used correctly, Reels have the potential to fetch someone a great number of followers. How do Reels give you a better chance of gaining followers than Stories and Feed posts?
  • Designed to help people gain exposure: Reels were specifically made to give creators a shot at going viral. Just like TikTok videos.
  • Reels have all the tools you need to go viral: You have a plethora of visual and audio editing tools to create, edit, and give life to your content – far greater than what you have with Stories and Feed posts. With these tools, you have an opportunity to create the perfect content worthy of going viral.
  • Reels exposes you to a far greater audience : You can share Reels to your feed and the Explore page just like Stories and Feed posts, but unlike those two, Reels aren’t visible to your followers only. Even people that aren’t following you will see your Reels.
  • Still relatively new: Reels is still a new feature. As such, not many people have hopped on the train yet. 
  • Instagram’s baby: Since Instagram is giving extra prominence to Reels on users’ main feed and the Explore page, creators of Reels have a far better shot at getting seen on the Explore page than Stories or Feed post creators.

đŸ”„Actionable hack:

To make this tip work like magic, use this hack. MAKE A VIRAL VIDEO. A viral video is a video that has the potential to go viral. When you make a viral video on your Reels, chances are that it will gain a ton of attention, which will help you gain lots of followers. To make a viral video, you can wait until there is a trending topic or challenge to jump on. Now, while jumping on this trend or challenge, try to be as creative as possible so that your content will appear more fascinating than the rest.

9) Work with Micro-Influencers

You can get new Instagram followers by partnering with micro-influencers – guys with between 10k and 100k followers. You might ask: “Why micro-influencers?” Well, according to a recent study by Makerly, micro-influencers offer the best combo of engagement and reach. This means that when a micro-influencer mentions your name, writes about you in a caption, or gives you a shoutout, there’s a great chance that a good fraction of their audience will check you out. And if they find your content exciting, they’ll definitely leave a Follow.

10) Create authentic, screenshot-worthy content

There is one very common theme of content that’s making the rounds on Instagram Stories recently. Noticed the theme yet? Screenshots. Nowadays, people tend to use their Stories mostly for posting screenshots. Sometimes it might be screenshots of facts or helpful tips. Other times, it’s screenshots of celebrity posts or motivational quotes. Another time, it might be memes. See examples of this at work:
meme example
social media meme Ever wondered where they got the screenshots from? From original posts on the internet – blogs, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc. If your IG page is constantly delivering authentic and shareable content, people will not only be happy to share it with their friends but they’ll be compelled to post it on their Stories and Feed, too. If you’ve somehow added your name to the original content, it could send tons of traffic down to your page.
quiz gym meme


And that brings us to the end of our discussion on “tips to get Instagram followers.” I believe you now have all the tips and tricks you need to break the shackles holding your account down. Feel free to combine as many of them as you like and watch your account soar HIGH.  Happy Soaring !!!

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